Markdown Syntax

Secuna supports markdown syntax on reports and program policy pages.


Markdown Input

# Header 1

## Header 2

### Header 3

Markdown Output


Markdown Input

> One line in blockquote
> How about two?
> How about more lines in blockquote

Markdown Output

Text Emphasis

Markdown Input

*This text is italicized*
**This text is bold**
~~This text is deleted~~

Markdown Output


Unordered Lists

Markdown Input

* Quezon City
* Makati City
* Taguig City


+ Quezon City
+ Makati City
+ Taguig City


- Quezon City
- Makati City
- Taguig City

Markdown Output

Ordered Lists

Markdown Input

1. Red
2. Green
3. Blue

Markdown Output

Markdown Input

Kindly check out this [example link](

Markdown Output

Markdown Input

Aside from [OSCP][1], most of the cybersecurity professionals are also recommending [OSWE][2] and [OSCE][3] certifications.


Markdown Output


One-line / In-line code

Markdown Input

The following payload `javascript:alert(document.domain)` executes an XSS alert on your website.

Markdown Output

Multi-line code

Markdown Input

An XML External Entity attack is a type of attack against an application that parses XML input and allows XML entities. XML entities can be used to tell the XML parser to fetch specific content on the server.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE data [
<!ELEMENT data (#ANY)>
<!ENTITY file SYSTEM "file:///etc/passwd">

Markdown Output


Markdown Input

| ID   | Names |
| --------- | ------- |
| 1    | Ameer |
| 2 | Nathu |
| 3      | Atom |

Markdown Output

Last updated